Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Price Waterhouse Cranfield Survey Sage †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Price Waterhouse Cranfield Survey Sage. Answer: Introduction: According to Hill, Jones Schilling (2014), every manager need to implement strategies that are well accounted with the objectives of the organisations. The strategies include long term as well as short term goals that are needed to be achieved in order to gain a competitive advantage in the market. In the case of Bounce Fitness, the objective of the company is to ensure that every customer gets the best training in order to remain fit. The company provides advanced technologies in order to ensure proper fitness level of the customers. The goal is to become the leading fitness centre in Sydney and Australia. Based on this, it can be said that the managers of the company implement strategies that comply with the overall activities of the organisation. In order to provide the customers with the best trainers and training equipments, the strategy of the company is to earn more profit for strengthening the financial position (Bounce.precisiongroup.com, 2017). With the advent of technology, people are hardly seen waiting in long lines in shopping malls. Online shopping has been the source for minimising any shopping habit of the people. The emerging trends and practises in the modern world have also affected the fitness centres. A fitness centre like ounce Fitness is open to provide gym lessons by recording the methods of training in DVDs and CDs. This prompts the people to purchase these things from the company in order to avoid going to the gym. In order to provide virtual training, it is necessary that the staffs of the organisation are well-trained and have proper communication skills (Peppard Ward, 2016). This is mainly because of the fact that the instructions are given on camera rather than personally meeting the individual. Hence, the recent trend has a significant impact on the company as it leads to less number of people in the gym. In impact of the modern day trend of working out without visiting the gym, may have mixed consequences for Bounce Fitness. This is because of the fact that people coming to the gym will be less. Most of the people will be working out by taking instructions from the DVDs and as a result, the gym equipments may be rusted in the company. However, the positive impact is the fact that the financial capability of the company can increase. The DVDs can be sold at a high price in order to make up for the registration fees. In order to provide virtual training, the staffs need employed by Bounce Fitness, need to be well trained in the handling of the equipments and providing proper instructions. For this reason, it is also required that the employees perform active communication (Cenere et al., 2015). This impact can be beneficial for the company in the long-run. Discussing the impact of new technology on Bounce Fitness The advent of technology in the modern world has had a huge impact in business around the world. This is mainly because the employees have become dependent on the technologies. The use of manual labour has reduced because of the use of technology. In the case of Bounce Fitness, the impact of new technologies can help the centre to attract customers at the gym. This is mainly because of the fact that most of the training instructions given in the DVDs need to be done by the use of recent technologies. Hence, the job roles of the staffs providing the instructions also need to change as per the development of the technologies. The staffs need to be well-trained as per the use of the equipments and instructing its use to the customers (Eden Ackermann, 2013). The jobs need to be done based on proper understanding of the technologies. In this regard, it can be said that technology implemented in Bounce Fitness can help in increasing the number of people visiting the centre. Employment in industries is based on the safety and security policies based as per the legislation of the region. In Australia, the Workplace Safety Act, 2008, provides for the safe working environment for the employees. This includes remaining safe from dangerous equipments in the workplace. In the case of fitness centres this act is applicable not only for the employees, but also for the customers. This is because the customers use the equipments more than the trainers. Hence, the safety of equipments needs to be ensured by the managers as well as the trainers. In this regard, recent changes in legislation can be implemented in the organisation. The changes brought about need to be such that it helps to understand the legislation in an in-depth manner. Legislation regarding charging extra fees from customers can be implemented for an organisation like Bounce Fitness that aims at profit-making. This can be useful to prevent the unethical exploitation of customers by the organisation (Bounce.precisiongroup.com, 2017). Discussing ways to communicate with Centre Managers According to Wheelen Hunger (2017), the new strategies that are formulated by the regional managers need to be advocated with the CEO or the Centre Managers. The employees can do this by communicating with the Centre Manager either by visiting them personally or by sending emails. In the modern days, communication via emails is one of the most modern ways by which people can reach one another. Not only the strategies, the memos, meeting as well as notes that are formulated by the regional managers are communicated with the Centre Managers. In the case of Bounce Fitness, the regional managers can communicate with the Centre Managers by using emails and telephonic conversations. It is the duty of the employees to sent notes about meetings to the Centre Managers in order to keep them updated about the changes that may take in the organisation. Notes regarding meetings and memos can be attached with the emails in order to provide a clear idea about the ways by which Bounce Fitness inten ds to function. Suter (2016) stated that one of the most difficult duties of a manager is to come to an agreement based on the philosophies, values and policies of an organisation. The agreement need to be made between the employees as well as the managers. Sometimes the regional manager as well as the Central Manager needs to come to terms between the agreement of philosophies and values. In this regard it is required that the organisation maintain the objectives and goals based on the philosophies, values and policies of an organisation. In the case of Bounce Fitness, the aim and objective of the company is to satisfy the customers as well as retention staff. The philosophy of the company states that every customer will be treated equally and safety of the equipments will be maintained in order to achieve organisational objective. This is important in order to maintain the objectives of the organisation. Bounce Fitness needs to ensure that the company maintains the legislation that highlights the proper manner in which the organisation can function (Schwing Albers, 2013). For example, the Health and Safety Act of 1998 needs to be maintained for bothe employees as well as customers. Thus, this can be considered as a way by which managers of Bounce Fitness can make agreements of the philosophies and values of the organisation. Documenting strategic objectives and targets In order to maintain a proper competitive advantage in the market it is necessary that every organisation set up objectives and targets that are necessary for an organisation (Li, 2014). This is important in order to have a clear idea of the prospects and aims of an organisation. In this regard, it can be said that the strategic objectives and target of Bounce Fitness is based on the profit making activity of the organisation and the ways by which the fitness centre attracts the customers. The target and objectives are based in a manner defines the working of the organisation on an everyday basis. In this regard, it can be said that the strategic objectives and targets of Bounce Fitness include: To attract customers with the application of new technologies in the centre To reduce the registration fees To provide health drinks along with providing proper training to the customers Westerman, Bonnet McAfee (2014) stated that in order to implement strategies in terms of achieving the target and objectives of an organisation it is required that the organisation select options that are best suited for attaining the objectives. In the case of Bounce Fitness, the manner in which the organisation consults with the external contractors is admirable in the sense that helps Bounce Fitness to access the external suppliers of the organisation. The cost analysis for the organisation can be estimated based on the budget of the company at the end of the financial year. The other option that can be considered is the non-human resource that is available in the organisation (Wheelen Hunger, 2017). This includes the training equipments and other sources such as the finances and infrastructure of the centre. Cost benefit analysis can be considered as the exercise for the evaluation of a planned activity by determining the net value it would have for the organisation. Generally, the cost-benefit analysis quantifies, adds and identifies all the factors those are positive. After that it would identify, subtract and quantifies the negative factors, like costs. The basic difference between these two factors indicates whether the action plan is advisable or not. The key to do an effective cost benefit analysis would ensure to incorporate all the costs and the benefits and it appropriately quantifies those. This analysis is the basic assessment behind all important business decisions as the management of the organisations would not want to spend money unless they get some benefits from the investments. If the organisations want to reduce the liabilities and increase the revenue, they should do a proper cost benefit analysis before implementing any strategies. Developing risk management plans Contingency plan can be considered as a set of plans that helps to define how a business organisation would continue to develop or would be able to recover the critical functions regarding the event of the unplanned disruption towards the regular actions. In this process it is seen how a businessman can assess all the operations to determine how it can function when all the chief resources like personnel are scarcely available. After recognizing all the risk factors of the organisation, the management of the organisations must prioritize those risk factors and then chalk out a plan accordingly. Every strategy must include the roles and responsibilities of the persons involved in these operations. The management must consider this as a very important aspect and these plans must be kept up to date in order to avoid any kinds of issues within the organisations. For a business organisation to develop further implementing the strategies for the development of the organisation named Bounce Fitness and successfully doing it would matter the most. The management of the organisation must ensure that the executives of the organisation are totally committed and would love to start strategic planning for the betterment of the organisation. Initially they have to establish a transparent vision for the strategic planning and then they have to anticipate the probable outcomes. Then the management has to recruit a dedicated executive who would lead the actions and lead the organisation to the path of glory. The management should focus on the bonding between the workforces of Bounce Fitness organisation and also they should proactively participate to communicate with the employees to get the most from them. The management of the Bounce Fitness must establish a solid structure and ask the workforces to abide by that particular structure of the organisatio n. Apart from this the managers must put in stress to the training and development planning for the better implementation of the strategies (Flamholtz, 2012). The circle of the process of planning gets completed when the activities are monitored and the management reviews all the strategic plans that could be beneficiary for the organisation. This way all the implementations of those strategic plans gets more successful and allows the organisation to grow incessantly. To monitor the implementation of these strategies, the management should gather the data from the lower rank managers and along with that they should communicate frequently with the employees of the organisation. Visiting the factory and the places where the major works are done could help a lot to monitor the activities of the employees in order to attain the successful tag for the organisation (Flamholtz, 2012). Proper monitoring can change the fate of an organisation and with proper implementation of the strategies with regular monitoring the situation an organisation can climb up the ladder of success in no time. It can be said that uncertainty is the part of any business organisation and the management of those organisations must employ proper strategies to fight those oddities. In some cases the agile organisations generate revenue almost 35% faster and almost 25 % higher with respect to the non-agile organisations. Thus, it is a matter of fact that the management should consider adapting with the changing circumstances if they want their organisation to sustain fighting the oddities. Predicting the changing circumstances is one of the major qualities of a top class manager and the owner of the organisation must stress on this factor while recruiting the executives for his or her company (Berman et al., 2012). If the organisation is able to anticipate the changes in the market and proactively engage into adapting the changed situation, it would help the organisation to thrive in challenges. Thus continuously reshaping the structure of the organisation might become useful while facing the ch allenges for a business corporation. Discussing evaluation and review of plans Evaluating the strategies and the planning of the organisation is a very useful tool and the management should engage themselves in doing so. Monitoring plans should be made before designing the program related to the operations of the business organisation. It is seen that this monitoring and evaluating process of the management helps a lot in order to secure the productivity and profitability of the organisation in the future. This monitoring plan involves a series of activities like making a monitoring framework, a compact timeline along with a budget with full explanation of the required resources like human resource, monetary resources and at times the development of the capacity of the organisation for the completion of their jobs (Bratton Gold, 2012). While spending time with the students I was playing the role of a general manager of the Human Resources and I had to interact with a learner who played the role of a centre manager of an organisation. We talked regarding the roles and responsibilities of the holders of these two posts. Answering the question of the learner I stated that the general manager of Human Resources should manage people in a way so that the organisation can expect the best result from the workers they have recruited. The manager should have an excellent intrapersonal skill to carry out such responsibilities. The general manager should promote the culture of working as a team within the organisation and by this he can ensure a gradual increase in the productivity and profitability of the organisation (Armstrong Taylor, 2014). Apart from this the manager should try to build a commitment among the employees of the organisation, as it is known that workforce is the nucleus of an organisation but, a motivated a nd committed workforce shall be an asset for the organisation. Another huge responsibility of the general manager of an organisation is to try to build more capacity for the organisation in order to generate more productivity. In the nest part of the role playing game, the role of the centre manager was clear to the other students and those responsibilities are to plan and imply the training and developmental programs for the newly recruited employees and to ensure that there are no issues regarding the supply chain management of the organisation. Apart from that, a centre manager must view the company policies and make sure those regulations are not getting violated by any of the employees of the corporation in order to maintain a professional ambience within the organisation (Brewster Hegewisch, 2017). It is seen that in some cases these centre managers engages in developmental programs for the organisation and along with that the manager has to supervise the general workforce to maintain a proper work culture within the organisation. Reference Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2014).Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Berman, E. M., Bowman, J. S., West, J. P., Van Wart, M. R. (2012).Human resource management in public service: Paradoxes, processes, and problems. Sage. Bounce.precisiongroup.com. (2017).Bounce.precisiongroup.com.au. Retrieved 6 November 2017, from https://bounce.precisiongroup.com.au Bratton, J., Gold, J. (2012).Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan. Brewster, C., Hegewisch, A. (Eds.). (2017).Policy and Practice in European Human Resource Management: The Price Waterhouse Cranfield Survey. Taylor Francis. Cenere, P., Gill, R., Lawson, C., Lewis, M. (2015).Communication Skills for Business Professionals 7. Cambridge University Press. Eden, C., Ackermann, F. (2013).Making strategy: The journey of strategic management. Sage. Flamholtz, E. G. (2012).Human resource accounting: Advances in concepts, methods and applications. Springer Science Business Media. Hill, C. W., Jones, G. R., Schilling, M. A. (2014).Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Li, W. (2014).Risk assessment of power systems: models, methods, and applications. John Wiley Sons. Peppard, J., Ward, J. (2016).The strategic management of information systems: Building a digital strategy. John Wiley Sons. Schwing, R. C., Albers, W. A. (2013).Societal risk assessment: How safe is safe enough?. Springer. Suter II, G. W. (2016).Ecological risk assessment. CRC press. Westerman, G., Bonnet, D., McAfee, A. (2014).Leading digital: Turning technology into business transformation. Harvard Business Press. Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, J. D. (2017).Strategic management and business policy. Pearson

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